
The Hidden Review: Pandoro, mutuo e Maradona - Recensione Teatro

  Il team di The Hidden Review è stato presente alla prima teatrale dello spettacolo prodotto da “La Compagnia di Antonino” dal titolo Pandoro, Mutuo e Maradona, con la regia di Antonino Laudicina. Questa compagnia teatrale ha molto prestigio ed è acclamata in teatro da anni per la presentazione di spettacoli molto vivaci anche quando presenta temi e copioni particolarmente difficili. La Compagnia di Antonino quest’anno ha portato in scena, per il suo pubblico, uno spettacolo inedito scritto e realizzato da ASAAMA, che ha debuttato dal 1 al 3 dicembre al Teatro Immacolata. L’idea prende spunto da uno dei pilastri del teatro di Eduardo, Natale in Casa Cupiello, scritto e diretto dallo stesso Eduardo De Filippo, regista/attore piĂ¹ acclamato del teatro napoletano e ambientato a Napoli nel 1931. Lo spettacolo Pandoro, Mutuo e Maradona, cala il Natale in casa Cupiello in una versione contemporanea, con un'ambientazione diversa e una diversa scomposizione dei personaggi, che mette in mo

The Hidden Review: In fila per due (Lined up for two) - Film Review

The THR has been at the press screening of the Italian movie, “In fila per due” (Lined up for two), directed by Bruno De Paola, produced by CinemaFiction, and distributed by No.Mad Entertainment, the movie is set between Portici (Napoli), Ercolano, San Giorgio a Cremano, and Morigerati in Cilento. Starring Andrea Di Maria, Francesca Chillemi and Ilaria Rossi, the movie introduces us to a world centred around the theme of love with different layers to unpack. But, in this story, we find characters portrayed by well-experienced Italian actors like Giacomo Rizzo and Benedetto Casillo. Moreover, extraordinary professionals like Adriano Falivene, Antonella Stefanucci, Barbara Savinelli, and Brunella Cacciuni play co-supporting roles around them. The story unfolds different twists hidden in the story of these principal characters, played by Andrea Di Maria, Francesca Chillemi, and Ilaria Rossi, who add value throughout the story. However, the story is represented by an important theme not to

The Hidden Review: Awareness - Prime video Movie - Film Review

“I thought I was the one creating illusions for everybody else” The THR has watched the Prime Video original Spanish Sci-fi Feature Film Awareness written by Ivan Ledesma and Daniel Benmayor (who also directed it). Ian switches from the stereotypical teenage loner to having a menacingly powerful look in his eyes very well at the start. However, his desire for impacted returns from the heists, rather than just getting the crumbs, makes him seem more unlikeable. He could surely use his powers for good but only seemingly uses them for his survivalist, selfish reasons. His father Vicente is a likeable character as he genuinely loves his son by saying that he is the only one that matters in his life, always guiding him. Vicentes deep and gravelly voice is the perfect mixture for this character, who appears to have the wisdom that Ian has followed so methodically up to now. Ian cares for his Dad, revealing on numerous occasions, making him more three-dimensional, sympathetic, and less self-c

The Hidden Review: Mixed by Erry - Film Review

"Hey Dad, are we poor?" The THR has been at the XX1V edition of Napoli Film Festival 2023, where it premiered the movie "Mixed by Erry" written by Sidney Sibilia, Armando Festa, and directed by Sidney Sibilia starring Luigi D'oriano, Giuseppe Arena, Emanuele Palumbo, Cristiana Dell'Anna, Adriano Pantaleo, Francesco Di Leva, Fabrizio Gifuni. It is a movie inspired by true events and as a comedy genre, produced by Groenlandia and distributed by 01 Distribution. It shares the story of three real brothers, played by Luigi D'Oriano (Erry), Giuseppe Arena (Peppe), and Emanuele Palumbo (Angelo) of the Frattasio family from a Neapolitan county called Forcella, and it all starts back in 1976 where they were kids and living with their parents. Since that day, they came from not a rich family but a modest poor one, however, while working with their father, they experienced some fraud methods to fool people in exchange for money to survive. However, while Erry is be

The Hidden Review: My name is Giancarlo Siani - Documentary review

"Ah you want to become like Giancarlo Siani" "Be careful not to die as Giancarlo Siani" The THR has been at the XX1V edition of Napoli Film Festival 2023, where it premiered the documentary "My Name is Giancarlo Siani", written and directed by Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. The documentary talks about the moving real-life story of a Neapolitan journalist called Giancarlo Siani, murdered at 26 years old for the best journalism service he was delivering against the criminal groups, which are characterizing Naples's struggle to this day. The documentary explains well from the beginning his story and how he got into journalism to help increase the volume of speaking the truth about politics and criminal activities. In particular, to share about Camorra's actions, which is still an issue in the Campania region, and there are continuous fights against the expansion of its illegal activities. In fact, he had the skills to go deeper and deeper in telling the trut

The Hidden Review: 12 Repliche - Film Review

"God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers." The THR has been at the XX1V edition of Napoli Film Festival 2023, where it premiered the movie "12 Shows" (12 repliche) written and directed by Gianfranco Gallo starring Gianfranco Gallo, Gianni Parisi, Gianluca Di Gennaro, Roberto Azzurro, Elvis Esposito, Peppe Miale, Mariacarla Casillo, Lisa Imperatore, Margherita Di Rauso, Franco Javarone, Ester Geatta. "12 repliche" is an LGBTQ independent Feature Film drama produced by Maxadv with support from the Film Commission Regione Campania, and has had some Festival runs, winning in Montreal as Best Feature Film and Gianfranco Gallo won Best Actor. Furthermore, the movie takes place in Naples, set in 2016, the same year as CirinnĂ 's law in a phase of approbation for LGBTQ rights. However, the story focuses more on its lead character, Andrea Michelini, a veteran theatremaker who is openly Gay and in a relationship with longtime theatre company memb

The Hidden Review: Bonding - Theatre Review

  The THR has watched a one-man show called 'Bonding', written and performed by Cyril Blake at The Hen & Chickens Theatre, which played three nights as part of the Camden Fringe. Blake plays Stephen Lewis, a self-confessed 'struggling' actor who loves James Bond; a love which he has inherited from his dad. It is a beautifully told story that deals with the special moments and sometimes challenging bond within the relationship between dads and sons. Blake's character talks to the audience in an energetic and often humorous manner, and asks the audience questions about their knowledge of the Bond franchise with great banter and rapport. Throughout the play, there are references to James Bond's character, and even if one isn't a fan, it enthuses and enlightens. The part when he recounts going to see the Bond films with his dad after his mother's death is touching as he pretends there's 'something in his eye' as he doesn't want to show he