The Hidden Review: My name is Giancarlo Siani - Documentary review

"Ah you want to become like Giancarlo Siani"
"Be careful not to die as Giancarlo Siani"

The THR has been at the XX1V edition of Napoli Film Festival 2023, where it premiered the documentary "My Name is Giancarlo Siani", written and directed by Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo. The documentary talks about the moving real-life story of a Neapolitan journalist called Giancarlo Siani, murdered at 26 years old for the best journalism service he was delivering against the criminal groups, which are characterizing Naples's struggle to this day.

The documentary explains well from the beginning his story and how he got into journalism to help increase the volume of speaking the truth about politics and criminal activities. In particular, to share about Camorra's actions, which is still an issue in the Campania region, and there are continuous fights against the expansion of its illegal activities.

In fact, he had the skills to go deeper and deeper in telling the truth even though what he got was basic information from police officers, moreover, his investigations and detective skills became such a problem for the criminal groups which called him a troublemaker for their illegal "business".

In this documentary, there are so many different tapes taken from Rai archives, news archives, family and friends interviews, and film archives, which accompany the audience through an incredible and crazy journey by explaining in detail his profile as a human being first and then as a journalist which has always characterized his work in somebody who took care deeply his audience through the responsibility he felt to have to say and speak about the truth, therefore, to inform in detail his audience.

The director and the production team have been able to tell well this journey and the importance of what Giancarlo Siani fought for through his articles, moreover, listening to the testimonials of his family members and friends and other profiles who engage in increasing its value.

This story is a very compelling aspect for a documentary not to underestimate as getting informed by direct people who had an actual connection of this helps generations to know more about this story and share with the world how important it is the value of the truth and speak of that as a weapon to help society.

This unfortunate event led Giancarlo Siani to become not such a martyr, a saviour, or a superhero but a symbol of hope for new generations yet to come.

Overall, "My Name is Giancarlo Siani" is a documentary that needs to be shared with the world and in schools to raise awareness of the history, illegal activities, and the work Giancarlo Siani strived for to make his legacy increase even more.


Rest in power, Giancarlo!

Hidden Fire stars 10/10 ⭐️

Review written by Al Fenderico.

© 2023 The Hidden Review

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